Well what a week in the Moffat and District Men's Shed, lots of donations of tools, sheets of shed flashing, chainsaw's and hard wood furniture which we will re-cycle for our various projects. We are always on the lookout for wood so if you have some you would be willing to donate please get in touch.
We urgently need to construct a data base for our membership, any assistance to do this would be gratefully received please get in touch if you can assist.
We met with Restore Me Acupuncture a local Moffat business to talk about the use of acupuncture to treat stress, anxiety and trauma, we hope to try and get our members involved along with other sheds to see how this type of treatment can assist shedders. www.restoreme.co.uk
Mossburn Community Farm the shed are arranging a visit to the Mossburn community Farm on the 18th of May.